Greater Warsaw 2.0 – a new cooperation agreement
Local government bodies of Greater Warsaw speak with one voice when it comes to programming EU funds available within the EU cohesion policy in the 2020+ financial perspective. Warsaw and its neighbouring communes and district signed a cooperation declaration and are working intensively on a common strategic plan.
EU funds in the 2020+ financial perspective will include the new division of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship into two statistical units. The City of Warsaw, 69 communes and 9 districts (Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Legionowo, Mińsk Mazowiecki, Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Otwock, Piaseczno, Pruszków, West Warsaw, and Wołomin) comprising the “Warsaw Capital” region are building the potential and developing growth priorities to present a common position in the negotiations of the 2020+ EU budget.
On Monday 18 June local government officials signed “The multilateral cooperation declaration of Warsaw Metropolitan Area communes and districts
in terms of cooperation for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic growth of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area”, which provides for a territorial and thematic extension of cooperation between communes and districts. Let us recall that since 2014 Greater Warsaw has operated on the basis of the agreement referring to Integrated Territorial Investments which covered 40 local government bodies, forming ground for investments expanding the metropolitan system of bike paths and P&R facilities, educational projects and increasing the availability of public e-services.
“We are ready to undertake initiatives and measures for the socio-economic development of a territorially expanded Greater Warsaw. This unity expressed in the form of a document gives us strength for joint impact on programming EU funds for Greater Warsaw available in the EU cohesion policy in the 2020+ financial perspective,” said Michał Olszewski, Deputy Mayor of Warsaw, and added, “We already know that the ongoing budget negotiations will be particularly difficult for countries from our region, so as a metropolis we would like to prepare for that and speak with one voice about our needs.
Local government officials spent the first half of 2018 on intensive work on the preparation of “The strategic action plan for Greater Warsaw in the context of programming and implementing the cohesion policy after 2020.” The document will specify the common courses of action for Greater Warsaw within the new territorial borders. The main tool for their development was a series of strategic workshops for communes and districts conducted by experts from the University of Warsaw. Currently work on the collected research material is underway.
Content of the declaration:
Wielostronna deklaracja współpracy
More information in the VIDEO material:
Warsztaty metropolitalne – podsumowanie
Zaczęliśmy w Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa, następnie spotykaliśmy się w Miasto Mińsk Mazowiecki, Podkowie Leśnej, Gmina Piaseczno, Miasto Legionowo i Wołominie. Dyskutowaliśmy o infrastrukturze, ochronie środowiska, czasie wolnym, transporcie publicznym i usługach społecznych. Łącznie w naszych spotkaniach udział wzięło 300 uczestników z 62 gmin i powiatów NUTS2.#SamiZobaczcie, jak przebiegał nasz cykl warsztatów metropolitalnych. #MetropoliaDziała i pracujemy, by działała jeszcze lepiej! 💪
Opublikowany przez Zdecydujmy o Warszawie 29 maja 2018