Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do treści Gminy wchodzące w skład ZIT Metropolia warszawska wg podziału statystycznego NUTS2

Projects under Integrated Territorial Investments of Greater Warsaw

As part of the Integrated Territorial Investments in Greater Warsaw, local authorities have signed agreements for EU funding worth over PLN 590.8 million. This money will help i.a. provide additional places in nursery schools, bike paths, and P&R facilities.

Agreements for 102 projects were signed worth PLN 590.8 million. These will be implemented individually by communes, in commune partnerships, in partnership with Warsaw authorities, and by thriving non-governmental organisations and private enterprises operating in the area of Greater Warsaw. All the activities revolve around one thing: the partnership arising from the covenant of 40 municipalities signed in February 2014 and a common investment strategy.


10.1.2 General education under the ITI

Funding can be obtained for projects related to:

developing key essential competences (creativity, innovativeness and teamwork), creating conditions for teaching based on experiments, and the use of ICT and developing IT competences.

Selected projects on the EU Grants Map:

10.3.3 Educational and occupational counselling under the ITI

Funding can be obtained for projects related to: acquiring/developing qualifications of occupational counsels by teachers in the field of educational and occupational counselling, establishing School Information and Career Points enabling the provision of educational and occupational counselling, external support for schools in the area of educational and occupational counselling, measures aimed at intensifying cooperation between the job market and schools in the field of educational and occupational counselling, including the recognition of the needs of the job market and the promotion of occupational education.

Selected projects on the EU Grants Map:

4.3.2 Urban mobility under the ITI – project type – Development of sustainable multimodal urban mobility – ITI – bike paths and infrastructure. Funding can be obtained for projects associated with the construction/redeveloping or marking out cycling lanes, including the marking of bicycle crossings, lanes and designating advanced stop lines as well as bicycle crossings at junctions.

Selected projects on the EU Grants Map:

4.3.2 Urban mobility under the ITI – project type – Development of sustainable multimodal urban mobility – ITI – “Park & Ride” facilities.  Funding can be obtained for projects related to the construction/redevelopment of interchange junctions (centres) and “Park & Ride” systems. Funding can be also acquired for adjusting the existing car parks to the “Park & Ride” function.

Selected projects on the EU Grants Map:

3.1.1 SME development under the ITI, project type – Arrangement and preparation of investment areas for assuming new economic functions. Funding can be obtained for projects related to the organisation of investment areas, i.a. in post-military, post-industrial, post-railway and post-state-farm areas as well as their comprehensive management, including in particular: studies and conceptual work, the provision/supplementation of an extensive utilities network, upgrading the internal transport system, and managing the surroundings (i.a. cark parks, green areas).

8.3.2 Facilitating return to work under ITI. Funding can be acquired for projects associated with creating and maintaining entities providing care services for children up to 3 years of age, including nursery schools and children’s clubs, creating and maintaining new places of care for children up to 3 years of age in the existing entities, creating and maintaining places of care for children in other forms of care (day carer services).

Selected projects on the EU Grants Map:

2.1.2. E-services for Masovia under the ITI

The objective of the project The Virtual Warsaw Functional Area is to increase the availability, level of use and quality of public services associated with access to public information and infrastructure in the WFA through a portfolio of free-of-charge mobile solutions.

Project on the EU Grants Map:

The objective of the project “Building and implementing an integrated system of supporting care services based on ICT tools in the Warsaw Functional Area (E-care)” is to increase access and improve the quality of care services for the residents of communes in the WFA ITI.

Project on the EU Grants Map:

More information on all calls for proposals in News and on the website

 See the User Manual for the system MEWA 2.0 under the ROP MV 2014-2020 for applicants/beneficiaries: instrukcja mewa2l

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