Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do treści Gminy wchodzące w skład ZIT Metropolia warszawska wg podziału statystycznego NUTS2

Integrated Territorial Investments for Greater Warsaw

Greater Warsaw is aspiring to become a strong socio-economic centre in Europe while maintaining a local perspective. The key tools enabling the achievement of this goal are measures aimed at integrating Warsaw with its surroundings, i.e. 39 communes with strong functional connections with the capital.

The cooperation arising from the need to solve the problems of the city and its surroundings in a broader perspective was streamlined with the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investments mechanism under the new EU financial perspective for the years 2014-2020. The instrument has become the catalyst of Warsaw’s integration with the surrounding communes which have declared their willingness to join activities.

“The willingness to act together is fundamental, and the agreement is only a tool to reach our common goal. Our ability to look in the same direction enables us to obtain additional funds for our common objectives,” Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Mayor of Warsaw, said during the signing of the agreement in 2014.

The main source of funding investment projects implemented as part of Integrated Territorial Investments will be EU funds within the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund as well as own funds of the communes constituting their own contribution to the projects.

You are most welcome to read the information materials on Integrated Territorial Investments for Greater Warsaw.

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